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【Shibuya, Tokyo】3 Perfect Terrace Cafes to Go on a Sunny Day!

Hey guys~ The weather’s been really nice and warm these days☀ It’s finally time to enjoy the sunny weather by going to terrace cafes! I’m going to introduce 3 perfect terrace cafes in Shibuya, Tokyo★ 【You can read this article in 3min.】 347 Cafe & Lounge (Photo: The first one to introduce is “347 Cafe & Lounge” just near the TOWER RECORDS in Shibuya. There is a pool by the table, it’s really pretty and...


Definitely should know! Starbucks White Peach Secret Menu!

Good morning everyone! Today I will be sharing with you about Starbucks! Starbucks has a variety of drinks for you to choose from, but they also have different customs where you can create your own favorite drink! Within all the custom-made drinks, I want to share the most famous custom-made drink out of all, which is for those in the know: White Peach Frappucino! [You can read this article in 2 mins. ↓↓↓] Just want...